Folgendes Template nehme ich normalerweise als Vorlage für ein Initd Script. Habe das irgendwann mal so im Internet gefunden, weiß nicht mehr genau wo. Dürfte selbsterklärend sein.

# chkconfig: 2345 20 80
# description: Description comes here....

# Source function library.
. /etc/init.d/functions

start() {
    # code to start app comes here 
    # example: daemon program_name &

stop() {
    # code to stop app comes here 
    # example: killproc program_name

case "$1" in 
       # code to check status of app comes here 
       # example: status program_name
       echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}"

exit 0 

The format is pretty standard and you can view existing scripts in /etc/init.d. You can then use the script like so /etc/init.d/myscript start or chkconfig myscript start. The ckconfig man page explains the header of the script:

 > This says that the script should be started in levels 2,  3,  4, and
 > 5, that its start priority should be 20, and that its stop priority
 > should be 80.

The example start, stop and status code uses helper functions defined in /etc/init.d/functions

  1. Enable the script $ chkconfig --add myscript $ chkconfig --level 2345 myscript on
  2. Check the script is indeed enabled – you should see „on“ for the levels you selected. $ chkconfig --list | grep myscript