Aus mir unbekannten Gründen funktioniert das Starten von Remoteinstallationsprozessen mit dem PowerShell CMDlet invoke-command nicht. Man kann einen Prozess aber auch per WMI starten. Hier die entsprechende Funktion dafür.

Function New-RemoteProcess {
        [string]$cmd=$(Throw "You must enter the full path to the command which will create the process.")


    Trap {
        Write-Warning "There was an error connecting to the remote computer or creating the process"

    Write-Host "Connecting to $computername" -ForegroundColor CYAN
    Write-Host "Process to create is $cmd" -ForegroundColor CYAN


    #bail out if the object didn't get created
    if (!$wmi) {return}


    if ($remote.returnvalue -eq 0) {
        Write-Host "Successfully launched $cmd on $computername with a process id of" $remote.processid -ForegroundColor GREEN
    else {
        Write-Host "Failed to launch $cmd on $computername. ReturnValue is" $remote.ReturnValue -ForegroundColor RED